Monday, March 30, 2015

For The People Who Still Don't Know Who I Am

Maybe you are in A1.  Maybe you are in A2 and don't see me sitting in the corner.  But in case you were curious...  Nyle Kelson isn't who I am.  And Seth Glancy isn't who I am either.

◊ I'm short, haha, about 5 foot 8
◊ I have an unhealthy obsession with roller coasters
◊ I'm an avid geometry dash player
◊ I'm going to USU for college next year!  (Anyone else?)
  No major declared though because how the hell am I supposed to
  know what I want to do with the next 50 years of my life?
◊ Uhhhhh... I'm single ;)
◊ I hate sneezing in public
◊ I'm afraid of eating the skin on fruits and vegetables
◊ Rue 21 is my favorite place to get clothes
◊ I'm agnostic
◊ I hate beats headphones passionately
  (I'm extremely opinionated)
◊ I like to pretend I understand cameras slash photography
  (another one of my hipster traits)
◊ Human bodies disgust me

My name is Seth.

This is a picture of me! :D

You could call me a hipster.  And you would be right.  I button my top button.  I peg my jeans...

I have pictures like these...


I listen to all the popular hispter (hashtag-oxymoron like amirite?) bands like Of Monsters & Men, Imagine Dragons, Passion Pit, Grouplove, Youth Lagoon, Vampire Weekend etc.

But I listen to my underground stuff too.  You know.  Truly Hipster. Bands like Lemaitre, Breakbot, For The Foxes, Imaginary Cities, Pacific Air, Sky, Team Me, Vinyl Villain, etc.
(although most of these are still fairly popular 'cause I'm tryna to see if anyone else recognizes these bands XD cause seriously if so let's be music buddies)

If it isn't obvious...  I LOVE music!  Music is my life.

Favorite Band?  Depends on the mood...  Sometimes it's Two Door Cinema Club, sometimes it's Vampire Weekend, sometimes it's M83.

Most of the time though, I would say Lemaitre is my favorite band. Look 'em up!

Music Production

I also do a little bit of my own music production as a hobby.  I started messing around in garageband a few years ago, pirated some programs (shhhhh...), and I absolutely love it!

Here is some of my most recent stuff!

Mountain Biking

Another one of my hobbies.  Nothings better than a day on the trails with my boys ;)

Me on Rattlesnake Line, Ogden Bike Park

Me at I Street, Salt Lake City

My buddy Max at I Street, Salt Lake City


I LOVE movies!  Almost as much as I love music ;)

Favorite director?  Probably Christopher Nolan...  Maybe Bong-joon-ho (or however you spell his name...)

Favorite actor?  Tom Hanks.  Such a legend.

Some of my favorite movies include: District 9, Titanic, Captain Phillips, The Sixth Sense, The Prestige, Inception, Snowpiercer, Wreck-it-Ralph, Jurassic Park, Airplane, Bill & Teds, Waynes World, Elysium etc...

I hate superhero movies...  :/

My favorite movie of all time though...  Cloud Atlas.  Which so happens to be based off my favorite book "Cloud Atlas" by David Mitchell (favorite author) and the trailer for the movie had one of my favorite songs "Outro" by M83...  It's, like, all connected.  I mean... I don't believe in destiny or fate but....  Holy shit.

Cloud Atlas Trailer

I have struggles, too, just like all of you guys.  I've struggled with depression, and anxiety for years.  Who hasn't these days?  All in all I do my best to be an optimistic person.  

I'm really quiet but mostly because I prefer to observe and I don't often feel I need to say anything.  I guess I don't find silence as awkward as other people do...

Having this blog has been great because it feels like having someone to talk to, and that's a feeling I'm not used to.

I hope my blog doesn't make me sound like an angry person...  I just get really passionate when I don't like something XD

Anyway...  I hope now you know me a little better :)  I'm excited to continue blogging un-anonymously!

(hashtag so indie)

Sincerely, Nyle (Seth)


I wanted to post the translation for my "S.O.S." post from earlier.  It's sort of related to the "Big Reveal" and I feel like its not as cool when you don't know what it is saying...  So here it is...

"Is it really wrong to wish that I was better?  Is it wrong to wish at all?  I'd like to say I'm a go getter.  But I'm not.  I'm too passive.  I really am a creative, artsy person but I'm not supposed to like it if you know even though that's what I really want.  I guess I'm confined to this cage I built around myself and it'll take more than a little self confidence to break out.  I wish someone on the outside could see that I was reaching out for their hand.  But I keep that to myself.  No one likes hearing people complain.  And men don't cry.  So from behind these bars, behind a curtain,  behind your screen...  This is my sos.  This is my cry."

Friday, March 27, 2015

Pen Names I Wish I Would've Chosen

Everyone has these indie, hipster, interesting names.  At the time we had to choose I couldn't think of anything serious so I went with humor instead...  Here is a list of Pen Names I Wish I Would've Chosen:

Adam Ewing

Robert Frobisher

Timothy Cavendish

Walter Mitty (tehe)


Junie Beatrice Jones

George Lemaitre


Anthony Gonzales

Seth Glancy

Toot-a-loo, Nyle

Tuesday, March 17, 2015


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Sunday, March 15, 2015


Life is a highway.

Sometimes it's a two-lane road in the middle of nowhere and I'm 99% sure I'm going the right way.

Other days it's a highway straight out of seattle and my GPS is saying too many things at once.

Some cars are going somewhere else.  Some tailgate you.  Some 'wave hello' as they aggressively pass you.  

Some cars are old and beat up.  Some are brand-new and drive fast.  Some cars smile and stay on the road with you for a while.

Some cars crash.

Life is a highway.

Sometimes I want to drive through the night.

Other nights I have to exit and stop at a hotel.

Sometimes I take the scenic roads.  Maybe stop at a museum.

Sometimes the roads that are the most familiar become hazardous in snow or rain.

Life is a highway.

Sometimes the car breaks down and I pull over.

Sometimes I pass cars with their hazards on and their hood up.

Sometimes I speed.

Life is a highway.

And I want to play my music and sing it as loud as I possibly can.  It's not that I'm trying to drown out the sirens, the others cars or you.  Remember that.

Sometimes you're trying to read that bumper sticker but that car gets out of sight despite your best efforts.

Sometimes the sun is warm.  Sometimes it's in our eyes.

Life is a highway.

and you don't need to set a speed record or drive the nicest car.

Life is a highway.

So pull over and help out that car.

Let people in.

Roll down the windows and play your jam.

Enjoy the ride.

Life is an adventure not a challenge or a test.

Life is a highway.

You only get one tank of gas so make sure to use it to do something truly special.

the unknown

I'm afraid I might've missed something... that I'm still missing


Everyone is in on this big secret and has to change the subject when I walk in the room.

 I  am  alone. 

Being different, being yourself, is fabled a door to happiness or 'light.'  But it's a dark, lowly place: an empty labyrinth.  No one, no matter how much they insist otherwise, has a map.  Such is life I suppose.

I'm afraid that I'm wrong.  I'm afraid that I don't truly believe it doesn't matter.  So I vainly attempt to extract some sort of purpose or goal from it.

I'm afraid this confusion will last forever.